WhatsApp Integration Guide

This guide provides step-by-step instructions for integrating a WhatsApp Business Account with your Chatvolt Agent. Once integrated, your agent will respond to incoming messages based on its configuration. You can also manually intervene and handle conversations directly through the Inbox page when needed.

💡 Note: Once you migrate a phone number to the WhatsApp Business Platform, it can no longer be used simultaneously on the WhatsApp Business App. Your number must be dedicated either to the Business Platform or to the Business App. For further details, see Migrate an Existing WhatsApp Number to a Business Account.

1. Start the Deployment of Your Agent on the Official WhatsApp API

  1. From the left menu in Chatvolt, select Agents.
  2. Choose the agent you wish to connect to WhatsApp.
  3. Navigate to the Deploy tab.
  4. Under the WhatsApp section, select Settings and then Add WhatsApp Account.

2. Create a new Meta Business portfolio & App

  1. Important: Create a new Business portfolio by clicking on the left menu.
  2. Go to Facebook Developers Apps.
  3. Select your new business portfolio from the left-hand menu.
  4. Click Create App.
  5. For the prompt “What do you want your app to do?”, select Other.
  6. Choose Business as the app type.
  7. Name your app and link it to the business account you previously created.
  8. On the App Page, locate the WhatsApp product and enable it by clicking Settings.
  9. Return to Chatvolt and click Continue.

3. Generate a System User Token

  1. Open your System Users Page.
  2. Select your business portfolio.
  3. Create a new system user by clicking Add.
    • Provide a name for the user.
    • Assign it the Admin role.
    • Select Create system user.
  4. Choose your new user from the list.
  5. Click on the three dots for Options and select Add Assets.
    • Under Apps, locate your previously created app.
    • Select it and check Manage App.
  6. Click Generate New Token, select your app, and configure:
    • Token expiration: Never
    • Permissions: business_management, whatsapp_business_messaging, whatsapp_business_management
  7. An email verification may be requested.
  8. Click Generate Token and paste the generated token in the Chatvolt tab. Then, click Continue.

4. Generate a Phone Number ID

  1. Go to your WhatsApp Developer Console.
  2. Select your WhatsApp App, then navigate to WhatsApp > API Settings in the menu.
  3. Add your phone number by selecting Add Phone Number.
  4. Verify your phone number via SMS or phone call.
  5. Once verified, locate your phone number and copy the associated Phone Number ID and WhatsApp Business Account ID:
  6. Paste the Phone Number ID & WhatsApp Business Account ID into the Chatvolt tab.
  7. Create a 6-digit security PIN and enter it in the last field.
  8. Click in Continue.

5. Webhook Configuration

  1. In the WhatsApp Developer Console, go to your WhatsApp App and navigate to WhatsApp > Settings.
  2. Input the following values provided by Chatvolt:
    • Callback URL
    • Verify Token
  3. Keep the certificate option turned off.
  4. Activate Webhook Fields:
    • Assign the messages field.

By completing these steps, you will have successfully integrated WhatsApp with Chatvolt, enabling your agent to manage incoming messages and engage with users seamlessly.